Optional Factory-Installed Hydronic Package —

Optional Factory-Installed Hydronic Package —

If the chiller has factory-installed chilled fluid pumps, specific steps should be followed for proper operation.

The pump(s) in the hydronic package come factory pre-wired into the main unit power supply/starter. In order to check proper pump rotation, use the Service Test function to test the condenser fans and observe them for proper rotation (counter clockwise when viewed from the top). If fans turn correctly, the pumps will rotate correctly. Clockwise rotation of the pump motor cooling fans can also be used to determine that pumps are rotating correctly.

Operation of pump in wrong direction, even for a few seconds, can cause irreversible damage to pump impeller and housing. Always verify correct wiring/pump rotation before operation.

Use Service Test function to test operation of pumps. Verify that the flow switch input is made when the pump is running. For dual pump hydronic systems, the control only uses one pump at a time. Consult the Installation Instructions supplied with this chiller and use the circuit setter balancing valve installed in hydronic package to adjust fluid flow rate.

Cooler Pump Control — The 30RA AquaSnap® ma- chines equipped with a factory installed pump package are configured with the Cooler Pump Control (CPC) [Configura- tion, OPT1] ON.

Machines not equipped with a pump package are config- ured with the cooler pump control OFF. It is recommended that the machine control the chilled water pump. If not, a 5-minute time delay is required after the command to shut the machine down is sent before the chilled water pump is turned off. This is required to maintain water flow during the shutdown period of the machine.

With or without this option enabled, the cooler pump relay will be energized when the machine enters an ON status (i.e., On Local, On SCN, On Time). An A207 - Cooler Freeze Protection Alarm, will energize the cooler pump relay also, as an override. The cooler pump relay will remain energized if the machine is in MODE 10 – Minimum Off Time.

Cooler Pump Sequence of Operation — At any- time the unit is in an ON status, as defined by the one of the following conditions, the cooler pump relay will be enabled.

1.The Enable-Off-Remote Switch in ENABLE, (CTRL=0).

2.Enable-Off-Remote Switch in REMOTE with a Start-Stop remote contact closure, (CTRL=0).

3.An Occupied Time Period from an Occupancy Schedule in combination with items 1 or 2, (CTRL=2).

4.A SCN Start-Stop Command to Start in combination with items 1 or 2, (CTRL=3).

As stated before, there are certain alarm conditions and Operating Modes that will turn the cooler pump relay ON. This sequence will describe the normal operation of the pump control algorithm.

When the unit cycles from an “On” state to an “Off” state, the cooler pump output will remain energized for the Cooler Pump Shutdown Delay (PM.DY) [Configuration, OPT1]. This is configurable from 0 to 10 minutes. The factory default is 1 minute. If the pump output was deenergized during the transi- tion period, the pump output will not be energized.

NO INTEGRAL PUMP — SINGLE EXTERNAL PUMP CONTROL — With a single external pump, the following options must be configured:

Cooler Pump Control (CPC) [Configuration, OPT1] OFF.

Cooler Pump 1 Enable (PM1E) [Configuration, UNIT] NO.

Cooler Pump 2 Enable (PM2E) [Configuration, UNIT] NO.

The maximum load allowed for the Chilled Water Pump Starter is 5 VA sealed, 10 VA inrush at 24 volts. The starter coil is powered from the chiller control system. The starter should be wired between TB5-11 and TB5-13. If equipped, the field- installed chilled water pump starter auxiliary contacts should be connected in series with the chilled water flow switch.

The Cooler Pump Relay will be energized when the machine is “On.” The chilled water pump interlock circuit consists of a chilled water flow switch and a field-installed chilled water pump interlock. If the chilled water pump inter- lock circuit does not close within five (5) minutes of starting, an A200 — Cooler Flow/Interlock failed to close at Start-Up alarm will be generated and chiller will not be allowed to start.

If the chilled water pump interlock or chilled water flow switch opens for at least three (3) seconds after initially being closed, an A201 — Cooler Flow/Interlock Contacts Opened During Normal Operation Alarm will be generated and the ma- chine will stop.

NO INTEGRAL PUMP — DUAL EXTERNAL PUMP CONTROL — With two external pumps, the following options must be configured:

Cooler Pump Control (CPC) [Configuration, OPT1] ON.

Cooler Pump 1 Enable (PM1E) [Configuration, UNIT] YES.

Cooler Pump 2 Enable (PM2E) [Configuration, UNIT] YES.

The maximum load allowed for the Chilled Water Pump Starters is 5 VA sealed, 10 VA inrush at 24 volts. The starter coil is powered from the chiller control system. The starter for Chilled Water Pump 1 should be wired between TB5-11 and TB5-13. The starter for Chilled Water Pump 2 should be wired between TB5-15 and TB5-13. A field-installed chilled water pump interlock for each pump must be connected to each pump’s interlock points on the Main Base Board. The Chilled Water Pump 1 Interlock, CWP1, must be connected to MBB- J7-1 and –2. The Chilled Water Pump 2 Interlock, CWP2, must be connected to MBB-J7-3 and –4. The chilled water pump interlock contacts should be rated for dry circuit application capable of handling 5 vdc at 2 mA.

SINGLE INTEGRAL PUMP CONTROL — With a single pump, the following options must be configured:

Cooler Pump Control (CPC) [Configuration, OPT1] ON.

Cooler Pump 1 Enable (PM1E) [Configuration, UNIT] YES.

Cooler Pump 2 Enable (PM2E) [Configuration, UNIT] NO.

With a single integral pump, the Cooler Pump Starter will be energized when the machine is occupied. As part of the factory-installed package, an auxiliary set of contacts is wired to the MBB to serve as Chilled Water Pump Interlock. When the mechanical cooling is called for, the pump interlock and flow switch is checked. If the circuits are closed, the machine starts its capacity routine. If the auxiliary contact interlock does not close within 25 seconds of the ON command, a T190 — Cooler Pump 1 Aux Contacts Failed to Close at Start-Up Alert will be generated and the pump shut down. The unit will not be allowed to start. If the chilled water flow switch does not close within one (1) minute, two alarms will be generated. A T192 — Cooler Pump 1 Failed to Provide Flow at Start-Up Alert and an A200 – Cooler Flow/Interlock failed to close at Start-Up will be generated and chiller will not be allowed to start.

If the chilled water flow switch opens for at least 3 seconds after initially being closed, a T196 — Flow Lost While Pump 1 Running Alert and an A201 — Cooler Flow/Interlock Contacts


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Sterling 30RA010-055 manual Optional Factory-InstalledHydronic Package