7.9.3What Next
For more information, refer to the appropriate Solaris documentation, as well as the pkgadd reference manual page.
7.10How to Use SunVTS Software
7.10.1Before You Begin
If your system passes the
You must have root or superuser access to run SunVTS tests and the system must be booted to the multiuser level (level 3). If you are not familiar with these or other basic UNIX commands and procedures, such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices, you can find the information you need in the following sources:
Solaris Handbook for Sun Peripherals
4AnswerBook2 online documentation for the Solaris operating environment
Other software documentation that you received with your system
7.10.2What to Do
This procedure assumes that you will test your Sun Enterprise 220R server remotely by running a SunVTS session from a workstation using the SunVTS graphical interface. For information about other SunVTS interfaces and options, see Section 7.1 “About Diagnostic Tools” on page 186.
1.Use xhost to give the remote server access to the workstation display.
On the system from which you will be running the SunVTS graphical interface, type:
%/usr/openwin/bin/xhost + remote_hostname
Substitute the name of the Sun Enterprise 220R server for remote_hostname. Among other things, this command gives the server display permissions to run
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting 209