ECMSee electronics control module.
electronics control
moduleThe assembly that:
■Processes commands from a host system
■Coordinates the activities of robots, elevators,
■Monitors status inputs from sensors and switches
elevatorThe device that transports cartridges vertically, across rail boundaries.
emergency power-off
(EPO)(1) A safety scheme that allows a “power down” of a subsystem or a system as a whole instead of powering it down
(2)A safety switch on a machine or in a data center that allows a user to immediately power down a machine or a data center power supply by cutting off the external source power.
See also Emergency Robotics Stop.
Emergency Robotics
StopA button on the customer interface module keypad that removes power to the robotics power grid, leaving the remaining library power on.
Enterprise Systems
Connection (ESCON)A set of
environmental monitorsA collective term for the sensors that track temperatures, fan speeds, and the
status of various other mechanism within a library.
EPOSee emergency
ESCONSee Enterprise Systems Connection.
exportThe action in which the library places a cartridge into the cartridge access port so that the operator can remove the cartridge from the library. Synonymous with eject.
failoverThe act of moving to a secondary or redundant path when the primary path fails.
FFCFlat flexible cable.
142 StreamLine™ SL8500 Modular Library System User's Guide • March 2007 | Revision K • 96154 |