Library Overview
Single Physical SL8500 Library—Base
The minimum SL8500 library configuration is composed of:
■A Drive and Electronics Module, containing from four to 64 tape drives and the controlling circuit cards for the library
■One Robotics Interface Module, containing up to 800 cartridge storage slots
■Multiple HandBots (four – eight) that service four rails. They move horizontally along rails and vertically along their individual Z axes. They retrieve cartridges from both inner and outer walls (and the elevator and turntable assembly or CAPs) by pivoting 180 degrees
■One Customer Interface Module that contains 648 data cartridges slots, 198 diagnostic and cleaning cartridges slots, 24 end slots (eight
■A remote “operator panel” (StreamLine Library ConsoleTM software that provides an operator panel display on the customer’s personal computer [PC])
■An elevator assembly located in the front (Customer Interface Module), that transfers cartridges vertically across rail boundaries (elevator) or from one side of the library to the other (by passing them to either HandBot using a turntable)
■A standard cartridge access port (CAP) that allows up to 39 cartridges to be entered/ejected at one time
Single Physical SL8500 Library—Options
Options for each
■A maximum of five additional storage expansion modules, providing 1,728 cartridge storage slots each, to a maximum cartridge storage number of 10, 088 cartridges within one library
■An optional second CAP (CAP B) is also available
■Redundant HandBots (maximum of four) that provide redundancy should one robot encounter a failure
■One service safety door for maintenance activity
A view of a library with one expansion frame is shown in FIGURE
2 StreamLine™ SL8500 Modular Library System User's Guide • March 2007 | Revision K • 96154 |