Robotics Interface Module
Note – Side numbers for HandBots are numbered according to their end stops: 1 (left HandBot stop) and 2 (right HandBot stop).
5. Row number – Numbered consecutively, from the top down
Note – Because HandBot hands are not storage slots, their row numbering is 0.
As examples:
■Location 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 = the HandBot on rail 1 (top rail) that encounters the stop on the left side of the customer interface module
■Location 1, 1, 0, 2, 0 = the HandBot on rail 1 (top rail) that encounters the stop on the right side of the customer interface module
■Location 1, 2, 0, 1, 0 = the HandBot on rail 2 (next rail down) that encounters the stop on the left side of the customer interface module
FIGURE 1-5 on page 13 shows how this notation appears on the StreamLine Library Console.
FIGURE 1-5 StreamLine Library Console – HandBot Display
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