service safety doorA
servo power interrupt
A signal that removes voltage to a motor if overtravel is detected in the motor or a safety condition exists (for example, the main access door to the library storage module is open). When the sensor or switch is made, the drive current to the motor disables and an error posts. The SPI prevents a servo runaway condition for an
SL8500See StreamLine™ SL8500 modular library system.
SL8500 addressA
SL8500 drive bayA
slotThe location in the library in which a cartridge is stored. Synonymous with cell.
SMCSee Storage Management Component.
SPISee servo power interrupt.
SSiSystem server infrastructure.
storage cellSee slot.
storage expansion
moduleAn optional module for the Product Name library that provides up to 1728 additional cartridge storage slots. Up to three modules can be attached to each SL8500 library.
Storage Management
Component (SMC)The software interface between IBM’s OS/390 and z/OS operating systems and StorageTek real and virtual hardware. SMC performs the allocation processing, message handling, and SMS processing for the NCS solution. It resides on the MVS host system with HSC and/or MVS/CSC, and communicates with these products to determine policies, volume locations, and drive ownership. SMC is a required NCS component.
StreamLine™ Library
Console™The operator panel software application used for the StreamLine libraries.
RaceTrack™The design and implementation of the SL8500 library’s multiple
StreamLine™ RealTime
Growth™The capability to add
StreamLine™ SL8500
modular library systemAn automated tape library comprised of:
148 StreamLine™ SL8500 Modular Library System User's Guide • March 2007 | Revision K • 96154 |