Vertical steam ironing
GZXdbbZcY i^dch/[dg | =Vc\i]Z\VgbZcidcVXdVi]Vc\ZgVcY]daYi]Z[VWg^Xha^\]ianiVjil^i]dcZ]VcY# | DE | ||||||||
| fabrics other than linen | 6hhiZ b^hkZgn]di/cZkZg iiZbeiidgZbdkZXgZ hZh[gdb \ gbZcil]^aZ^i^h |
| |||||||
or cotton, hold the iron a | being worn, always hang garments on a coat hanger. |
| ||||||
few centimetres from the |
| EN | |||||||
| =daY^c\i]Z^gdc^cVkZgi^XVaedh^i^dc- fig.12i^aiZYha^\]ian[dglVgYh!egZhhgZeZViZYan | |||||||||
| garment to avoid burning | |||||||||
the fabric. | dci]ZhiZVbXdcigdaWjiidcjcYZgcZVi]i]Z^gdc]VcYaZbdk^c\i]Z^gdc[gdbide | FR | ||||||||
| idWdiidb- fig.13. |
| |||||||
| ||
Refilling the tank during use |
| NL | ||||
| ||||
| ||||
| L]Zci]ZgZY®IVc`Zbein¯a^\]i^hÅVh]^c\- fig.9!i]ZgZ^hcdbdgZhiZVb#I]ZlViZgiVc`^hZbein# | ES | ||||||||
| Jceaj\i]ZhiZVb\ZcZgVidg#DeZci]ZlViZgiVc`ÄaaZgXdkZg. |
| ||||||
| Jh^c\V_j\d[lViZg!ÄaaidVbVm^bjbd[&#+al^i]jcigZViZYiVelViZgVcYÄaai]ZiVc`!bV`^c\hjgZcdiidZmXZZY | PT | ||||||||
| i]Z®BVm¯aZkZad[i]ZiVc`- fig.4. |
| ||||||
| 8adhZi]ZlViZgiVc`ÄaaZgXdkZg. |
| ||||||
| Eaj\i]ZhiZVb\ZcZgVidg^cV\V^c#EgZhhi]Z®D@¯gZhiVgiWjiidc - fig.7jcYZgi]ZXdcigdaeVcZaidXdci^cjZ^gdc^c\# IT | |||||||||
| L]Zci]Z®DC"D;;¯Wjiidca^\]igZbV^chdc!i]ZhiZVb^hgZVYn# |
| ||||||
| DA | |
| Steam boost function |
| NO | |||
| |||||
| NdjgVeea^VcXZ^hÄiiZYl^i]VhiZVbWddhi[jcXi^dc/VjidbVi^XhZfjZci^VahiZVb[dgZ[[dgiaZhhjhZ# | |||||||||
| |||||||||
| IdjhZi]^h[jcXi^dc!egZhhi]ZhiZVbWddhiWjiidcdci]Zided[i]Z^gdc- fig.14. |
| SV | ||||||
| ||
| Maintenance and cleaning |
| FI | ||||||
| |||||||
| Cleaning your steam generator |
| TR | ||||
| ||||||
| 9dcdijhZVcnineZd[XaZVc^c\dgYZhXVa^c\egdYjXiidXaZVci]ZhdaZeaViZdgi]ZWVhZjc^i# Never use harsh or | |||||||||
| |||||||||
| CZkZg]daYi]Z^gdcdgi]ZWVhZjc^ijcYZgVgjcc^c\iVe# | abrasive cleaning | EL | |||||||
| 8aZVc^c\i]ZhdaZeaViZ/lZgZXdbbZcYjh^c\Vhd[iYVbeXadi]dci]ZhdaZeaViZl]^aZ^i^h | Warning!products. The use of | ||||||||
| |||||||||
| hi^aalVgbidVkd^YYVbV\^c\i]ZXdVi^c\# | abrasive pads will | PL | |||||||
| LZgZXdbbZcYValVnhhiVcY^c\ndjg^gdcjeg^\]idgdci]Z^gdcgZhiidegdiZXi^ihXdVi^c\# | damage the | ||||||||
| |||||||||
| 8aZVci]ZeaVhi^XeVgih[gdbi^bZidi^bZjh^c\Vha^\]ianYVbehd[iXadi]# | soleplate coating- fig.15. |
| |||||||
| CS | |||||||
| ||
| Easy descaling of your steam generator |
| SK | |||||
| Do not use any | Id ZmiZcY i]Z a^[Z d[ ndjg hiZVb \ZcZgVidg VcY Vkd^Y hXVaZ dc ndjg ^gdc^c\! ndjg hiZVb | ||||||||
| descaling substances | \ZcZgVidg ^h Zfj^eeZY l^i] V Wj^ai"^c hXVaZ XdaaZXidg# I]^h XdaaZXidg! adXViZY ^c i]Z iVc`! | HU | |||||||
| (industrial descaling | |||||||||
| products etc..) when | VjidbVi^XVaangZbdkZhi]ZhXVaZi]Vi[dgbh^ch^YZ# |
| |||||
| rinsing the |
| SL | |
| collector or the boiler | DeZg i^dc/ |
| ||||||
| i c`/ | 6cdgVc\Z®Vci^"hXVaZXdaaZXidg¯a^\]iadXViZYdci]ZXdcigdaeVcZahiVgihÅVh]^c\idiZaandj |
| |||||||
| they could damage it. |
| ||||||||
| i]Vii]ZVci^"hXVaZkVakZcZZYhg^ch^c\- fig.11. |
| RU | ||||||
| Before emptying your |
| |||||||
| steam generator, it |
| |
| must always be left |
| UK | |
| >bedgiVci/I]^hdeZgVi^dcbjhicdiWZXVgg^ZYdjijcaZhhi]ZhiZVb\ZcZgVidg]Vh |
| ||||||||
| to cool for 2 hours |
| ||||||||
| to avoid any risks of | WZZcjceaj\\ZY[dgViaZVhiild]djghVcY]VhXddaZYYdlcXdbeaZiZan#IdXVggndji |
| ||||||
| scalding. | i]^hdeZgVi^dc!i]ZhiZVb\ZcZgVidgbjhiWZXadhZidVh^c`VhlViZgbVnXdbZdjid[ |
| HR | ||||||
| ||||||||
| i]ZiVc`l]Zc^i^hdeZcZY# |
| |||||
| RO | |
| DcXZi]ZhiZVb\ZcZgVidg]VhXddaZYXdbeaZiZanjchXgZli]ZhXVaZXdaaZXidg# |
| ||||||
| ;jaanjchXgZli]ZXdaaZXidg- fig.16VcYejaa^idjid[i]ZWVhZjc^i- fig.17!^iXdciV^chi]ZhXVaZi]Vi]VhWj^aije^c ET | |||||||||
i]ZiVc`- fig.18. |
| ||
IdXaZVci]ZXdaaZXidg!h^beang^chZ^ijcYZggjcc^c\lViZgidgZbdkZVcnhXVaZ^iXdciV^ch - fig.19. | LT | |||||||||
| ||||||||||
| NdjXVchdV`i]ZXdaaZXidggdY^cl]^iZk^cZ\VgdgaZbdc_j^XZ[dgV[Zl]djghidgZbdkZVcnhijWWdgchXVaZhijX`id | |||||||||
| i]ZgdY# |
| LV | |
| EaVXZi]ZXdaaZXidg^c^ih]djh^c\WnhXgZl^c\^i^cXdbeaZiZanidZchjgZ^i^hlViZgi^\]iWjiYdcdidkZgi^\]iZc^i" |
Next time you use your appliance, press the «OK» button under the control panel until the orange