Eliminar las arrugas verticalmente

Para los tejidos que no sean

lino o algodón, mantenga la ea cX]  jcdhXZci†bZigdh

para no quemarlos.


™8dbdZak edgfjZ\ZcZg a ea cX] Zhi  iZbeZg ijg ZaZk Y !cdea cX]Z

nunca una prenda sobre una persona, sino siempre sobre una percha. ™EjahZZaWdi‹cYZkVedg- fig.14YZbVcZgV^ciZgb^iZciZgZVa^oVcYdjcbdk^b^ZcidYZ

Vgg^WVVVWV_d- fig.15.

Rellene el depósito mientras utiliza el aparato

™8jVcYdZae^adid®9Ze‹h^idkVX†d¯eVgeVYZV- fig.4 !ZakVedghZ]VV\diVYd#:aYZe‹h^idYZV\jVZhi{kVX†d# ™9ZhZcX]j[ZaVXZcigVaYZkVedg#6WgVaVgVcjgVYZaaZcVYdYZaYZe‹h^id# ™Ji^a^XZjcV_VggVnaa‚cZaVXdcV\jV!ajZ\daaZcZZaYZe‹h^idXj^YVcYdYZcdZmXZYZgZac^kZa®BVm¯YZaYZe‹h^id - fig.6. ™KjZakVVXZggVgaVgVcjgVYZaaZcVYd#

™KjZakVVZcX]j[VgaVXZcigVaYZkVedg#EjahZaViZXaV®DC"D;;¯YZgZVXi^kVX^‹c - fig.8!h^ijVYVhdWgZZaeVcZaYZ Xdcigda!eVgVhZ\j^gXdchjeaVcX]VYd#

Función Power Zone

™HjVeVgVidZhi{Zfj^eVYdXdcaV[jcX^‹cEdlZgOdcZ/ZakVedghZXdcXZcigVZcaVejciVYZaVhjZaV0ejZYZji^a^oVghZ eVgi^XjaVgbZciZeVgVZaeaVcX]VYdYZea^Z\jZhgZXVaX^igVciZh!YZiVaaZhnodcVhYZY^[†X^aVXXZhd#

™EVgVji^a^oVgZhiV[jcX^‹c!ejahZV[dcYdZaWdi‹cEdlZgOdcZh^ijVYdZcaVeVgiZhjeZg^dgYZaVeaVcX]ViVciVhkZXZh XdbdhZVcZXZhVg^d- fig.16.

Mantenimiento y limpieza

Limpie la central de vapor

™ Cdji^a^XZc^c\cegdYjXidYZbVciZc^b^ZciddYZYZhXVaX^ÄXVX^‹ceVgVa^be^VgaVhjZaVdaV XVgXVhV#


™A^be^VgaVWVhZ/hZVXdchZ_VjhVgjcigVedhjVkZn]bZYdhdWgZaVWVhZidYVk†Vi^W^VeVgV cdYVŠVgZagZkZhi^b^Zcid#

™HZgZXdb^ZcYVh^ZbegZXdadXVgaVeaVcX]VhdWgZhjiVa‹cdhdWgZZagZedhVeaVcX]VheVgV egZhZgkVghjgZkZhi^b^Zcid#

™A^be^Z XVYV iVcid aVh eVgiZh YZ ea{hi^Xd Xdc aV VnjYV YZ jc eVŠd hjVkZ a^\ZgVbZciZ ]jbZYZX^Yd#

Nunca use productos agresivos o abrasivos. ¡Advertencia! El uso de una bayeta abrasiva daña el revestimiento de su base - fig.26.

Eliminar la cal fácilmente de su central de vapor

No introduzca productos eliminadores de cal (vinagre, eliminadores de cal industriales...) para

lavar la caldera ya que edYg† cY Š ga #6ciZh

de proceder a vaciar su central de vapor, deberá

esperar obligatoriamente fjZhZZc[g†ZYjg ciZ

más de 2 horas, para evitar cualquier riesgo de quemadura.

EVgVegdadc\VgaVk^YVi^aYZhjXZcigVaYZkVedgnZk^iVgaVhegdnZXX^dcZhYZXVa!hjXZcigVa YZkVedgZhi{Zfj^eVYVXdcjcXdaZXidgYZXVa^ciZ\gVYd#:hiZXdaZXidg!h^ijVYdZcaVXjWV! gZXjeZgVVjidb{i^XVbZciZaVXVafjZhZ[dgbVZcZa^ciZg^dg#

Eg^cX^e^dYZ[jcX^dc b^Zcid/

™Jce^adidcVgVc_V®Vci^XVa¯eVgeVYZVZcZaeVcZaYZXdcigdaeVgV^cY^XVgaZfjZi^ZcZfjZ aVkVgZaXdaZXidg- fig.13.

6iZcX^‹c!ZhiVdeZgVX^‹ccdYZWZaaZkVghZVXVWdb^ZcigVhfjZaVXZcigVaYZkVedg cdaaZkZYZhXdcZXiVYVb{hYZYdh]dgVhncdhZZcXjZcigZXdbeaZiVbZciZ[g†V#EVgV gZVa^oVgZhiVdeZgVX^‹c!aVXZcigVaYZkVedgYZWZZhiVgXZgXVYZjc[gZ\VYZgd!nVfjZZa V\jVejZYZhVa^gYZaVXjWVVaVWg^gaV#

™8jVcYdaVXZcigVaYZkVedghZ]VnVZc[g^VYdXdbeaZiVbZciZ!ZmigV^\VaVXjW^ZgiVYZaXdaZXidgYZXVa- fig.17.

™9ZhVidgc^aaZ XdbeaZiVbZciZ Za XdaZXidg - fig.18 n gZi†gZad YZ aV XVgXVhV - fig.19, Xdci^ZcZ aV XVa VXjbjaVYV Zc Za gZX^e^ZciZ.

™EVgVa^be^VgW^ZcZaXdaZXidgh‹adi^ZcZfjZaVkVgadXdcV\jVYZa\g^[deVgVZa^b^cVgaVXVafjZXdci^ZcZ - fig.20.


fig.21-22. ™KjZakVVbZiZgZaXdaZXidgZhXdcY^YdZchjh^i^d" fig.23.

Durante el siguiente uso pulse en la tecla «OK» situado sobre el panel de control para apagar el piloto naranja de «Antical» - fig.27.


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Tefal GV7760C0, GV7760CH, GV7760E0 manual Mantenimiento y limpieza

GV7760CH, GV7760E0, GV7760C0 specifications

The Tefal GV7760E0, GV7760CH, and GV7760C0 are cutting-edge steam generators designed to make ironing quicker and more efficient. Equipped with advanced features and technologies, these models cater to various ironing needs while ensuring optimal results.

One of the standout characteristics of the Tefal GV7760 series is its high steam output. With up to 120 g/min continuous steam and a boost of up to 440 g/min, these steam generators can tackle stubborn wrinkles with ease. This powerful steam delivery penetrates deep into fabrics, effectively softening fibers and allowing for a smoother finish. This high steam performance is especially beneficial for thicker materials such as linen and denim.

The GV7760 series also boasts an impressive steam pressure of around 7 bars. This pressure ensures that steam is consistently delivered to the garment, enabling quicker ironing sessions, as users do not need to go over the same area multiple times. Additionally, the steam generators come with vertical steam capabilities, allowing users to steam hanging garments, curtains, or delicate items without the need for a flat surface.

Ease of use is another key feature of the Tefal GV7760 models. The large water tank, usually around 1.6 liters, can be refilled at any time during ironing without the need to cool down the appliance first. This design makes it convenient to use for extended periods, reducing interruptions and streamlining the ironing process. Moreover, the anti-calc system ensures longer life for the appliance, preventing limescale build-up and maintaining optimal steam performance.

In terms of safety, the GV7760 models incorporate an automatic shut-off feature. This ensures that the steam generator powers down after 8 minutes of inactivity, providing peace of mind, especially in households with children or pets. Additionally, the ergonomic design of the iron handle promotes comfort during prolonged use, with a non-stick soleplate to glide effortlessly over fabrics.

Overall, the Tefal GV7760E0, GV7760CH, and GV7760C0 models represent a fusion of powerful performance, user-friendly features, and safety innovations. They provide an effective solution for tackling laundry challenges, making them ideal choices for anyone looking to achieve pristine results with minimal effort. With their robust steam capabilities and thoughtful design, these steam generators are poised to enhance the ironing experience significantly.