EXE_IFU_TE_MODULO-2_4136751_mise en page 06/12/11 17:30 Page7
To clean the inside of the pressure cookerClean it with a scouring pad and washingup liquid.

If the inside of the stainless steel cooker shows iridescent streaks, clean it with vinegar.

To clean the outside of the pressure cookerClean it with a sponge and washing up liquid.To clean the lid

Wash the lid under a little stream of warm water using a sponge and washing up liquid.

To clean the lid sealAfter using the pressure cooker, alwaysclean the seal (H) and its groove.

To refit the seal, refer to - fig 14 and ensure that the words "face côté couvercle" (Cover side) are placed against the lid.

To clean the operating valve (A)Remove the operating valve (A) - fig 11Clean the operating valve (A) under running tap water - fig 15Check that it moves: see drawing oppositeTo clean the operating valve conduit located in the lidRemove the valve (A) - fig 11

Visually make sure that the steam release conduit is round and clear - fig 12. If necessary, clean it with a Q-tip - fig 16 and rinse it.

You can wash the


pressure cooker


body and the


basket in a




After removing the


operating valve (A)


and the seal (H),


you can wash the


lid in a dishwasher.


Never remove the


nut and bolt


located inside the

