Temperature Sender
The temperature sender is located near the alternator on the water flange attached to the engine cylinder head (Fig. 41). The resistance of the temperature sender re- duces as the engine coolant temperature increases. There is a gray harness wire attached to the terminal of the switch.
1.Lower coolant level in the engine and remove the temperature sender from water flange.
2.Suspend sender in a container of oil with a thermom- eter and slowly heat the oil (Fig. 42).
Handle the hot oil with extreme care to prevent personal injury or fire.
NOTE: Prior to taking resistance readings with a digital multi meter, short the meter test leads together. The me- ter will display a small resistance value (usually 0.5 ohms or less). This resistance is due to the internal re- sistance of the meter and test leads. Subtract this value from from the measured value of the component you are testing.
3.Check resistance of the sender with a multimeter (ohms setting) as the temperature increases. Replace sender if specifications are not met.
100oF (38oC) | 460 ohms (approximate) |
160oF (71oC) | 140 ohms (approximate) |
200oF (93oC) | 54 to 78 ohms |
221oF (105oC) | 50 ohms (approximate) |
Figure 41
1. Temperature sender | 2. Alternator |
Figure 42
4.After testing is complete, install sender to the water flange.
A.Thoroughly clean threads of water flange and sender. Apply thread sealant to the threads of the sender.
B.Screw sender into the water flange. Torque send- er from 16 to 20
C.Reconnect gray harness wire to sender. Apply
5.Fill engine cooling system.
Electrical System | Page 5 | Groundsmaster |