DADM | |
♦An Exchange line LED is green when the Exchange line is in use by the DADM console user. It is red if it is in use by another telephone user.
209 | 219 |
208 | 218 |
207 | 217 |
206 | 216 |
205 | 215 |
204 | 214 |
203 | 213 |
202 | 212 |
229 | 239 |
228 | 238 |
227 | 237 |
226 | 236 |
225 | 235 |
224 | 234 |
223 | 233 |
222 | 232 |
First DADM | Second DADM |
Note The button numbers shown in this figure are examples only and may not reflect the numbers on your particular station equipment.
Figure 5 Example Button Assignments for the Strata CT DADMs
148 | Strata CT Digital Telephone User Guide November 2001 |