DC and Switching Characteristics
Switching Characteristics
Preview: These specifications are based on estimates only and should not be used for timing analysis.
Advance: These specifications are based on simulations only and are typically available soon after establishing FPGA specifications. Although speed grades with this designation are considered relatively stable and conservative, some
Preliminary: These specifications are based on complete early silicon characterization. Devices and speed grades with this designation are intended to give a better indication of the expected performance of production silicon. The probability of
Production: These specifications are approved once enough production silicon of a particular device family member has been characterized to provide full correlation between speed files and devices over numerous production lots. There is no
Software Version Requirements
Whenever a speed file designation changes, as a device matures toward Production status, rerun the latest Xilinx ISE™ software on the FPGA design to ensure that the FPGA design incorporates the latest timing information and software updates.
Production designs will require updating the Xilinx ISE development software with a future version and/or Service Pack.
All parameter limits are representative of
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