118 |
| 5 BIOS setup |
Feature | Options | Help Text | Description |
DIMM 3B | Installed |
| Informational |
| Not Installed |
| display. |
| Disabled |
| Mirror |
| Spare |
Extended | 1 MB | Settings for |
Memory | 1 KB | extended memory |
Test | Every Location | test |
| |
| Disabled |
Memory Disabled
Retest Enabled
If "Enabled", BIOS will activate and retest all DIMMs on the next system boot.
This option will automactically reset to "Disabled" on the next system boot.
Memory Disabled
Remap Fea- Enabled ture
Enable: Allow remapping of over- lapped PCI memory above the total phys- ical memory.
Disable: Do not allow remapping of mem- ory.
Memory | Disabled | Disabled provides | Sparing is grayed |
Sparing | Spare | the most memory | out if the |
| space. Sparing | installed DIMM |
| reserves memory to | configuration |
| replace failures. | does not sup- |
| port it. |