See Also

Chapter 3: Using the Logic Analyzer in Timing or State Mode

Setting Up Triggers and Running Measurements

the context of the measurement):

a.Select the Select Labels button.

b.In the Transitional Label Select dialog, highlight the desired label from the Available Labels list; then, select the right-arrow button to move that label to the Ignore Edges On list.

c.Repeat as needed for additional labels.

d.Select OK to save the selection and close the dialog.

If you have a channel that is shared across multiple labels, all labels containing that channel must be on the Ignore list before transitions on that channel will no longer cause a sample to be stored.

Ignoring data changes on particular labels let you store more of the transitions you're interested in over a greater period of time.

In the trigger sequence, unless Transitions is selected, you can override default storing for the samples that cause actions to occur, or you can turn default storing on or off, by inserting store actions.

The Agilent Technologies 16760A logic analyzer does not implement the "Branches taken" feature of past logic analyzers. The best way to store only the states that cause sequence level branches is by setting up default storing to Nothing, and inserting a Store sample action in each sequence level.

When store qualification is performed in the state mode's 400, 800, 1250, and 1500 Mb/s configurations, there may be the case where data stored in memory is further disqualified. As a result, you may see a non-contiguous listing of states as well as a reduction of usable memory. In the timing mode's transitional configuration, these extra samples are not removed, so sometimes data not meeting the store qualifier is displayed.

To clear default storing changes

1.When the Trigger tab is displayed, select Clear Default Store from the Clear menu.

“Storage Qualification” on page 249 in “Understanding Logic Analyzer Triggering” on page 240


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Agilent Technologies 16760A manual To clear default storing changes