Replaceable Parts
Replaceable Parts
Parts List Description
Ordering Information
Replaceable Parts
This section contains information for ordering replaceable parts for the multiple channel switch system. The replaceable parts include major assemblies and chassis hardware.
The following tables show the location and identification of replaceable parts. The list provides the following information:
1.Reference designator: identifies the part in the accompanying figure.
2.Agilent part number.
3.Part quantity as shown in the corresponding figure. (There may or may not be more of the same part elsewhere in the instrument.)
4.Part description, and identifying or functional name.
To order a part, quote the Agilent part number, indicate the quantity required, and address the order to the nearest Agilent office.
To order a part that is not listed in the replaceable parts lists, include the instrument model number, complete serial number, the description and function of the part, and the number of parts required. Address the order to the nearest Agilent office.
The multiple channel switch controller system consists of the following modules: mainframe and
85330A Multiple Channel Controller |