Measurement Busy
Signal and Pulse
Width Test
Performance Verification
Verifying the Multiple Channel Controller
The following test will determine if the MEAS BUSY port output pulse width is correct. It will also test the EVENT TRIG input.
1.Connect a BNC cable between the SRC1 TRIG and EVENT TRIG connectors.
2.Connect a BNC cable between the MEAS BUSY connector and the oscilloscope channel 1.
3.On the oscilloscope press:
4. Press the following on the multiple channel controller:
[Clear Instr] [Select Instr] {85330A} [More] {TEST} {EVENT} [1] [Return]
5.While the measurement is cycling, observe the MEAS BUSY pulse on the oscilloscope. The pulse width should be approximately 50 microseconds.
6.If the test is successful the RCVR menu will appear on the display. If the test fails, the following error message will appear:
85330A Multiple Channel Controller |