AT-S63 Management Software Menus User’s Guide
Section I: Basic Operations 109
5 - Display Specified MAC
This selection displays the port number on which a MAC address was
assigned or learned.
If you want to know on which port a particular MAC address was
learned, you can display the MAC address table and scroll through the
list looking for the MAC address. But if the switch is part of a large
network, finding the address could prove difficult.
When you use the Display Specified MAC selection, you specify the
MAC address and the AT-S63 Management Software automatically
locates the port on the switch where the device is connected.
6 - Display by VLAN ID
Displays all the static and dynamic addresses learned on the tagged
and untagged ports of a specific VLAN. When you select this option,
you are prompted for the VLAN ID number of the VLAN. You can
specify only one VLAN at a time
7 - Display on Base Ports
This selection displays the static and dynamic MAC addresses learned
on the base ports on the AT-9400 Switch. It does not display any
addresses assigned or learned on any uplink ports.