AT-S63 Management Software Menus User’s Guide
Section I: Basic Operations 41
8. Type 5 to select Daylight Savings Time (DST) to enable or disable the
switch’s ability to adjust its system time to daylight savings time. The
following prompt is displayed:
Adjust for Daylight Savings Time (E - Enabled, D - Disabled) ->
9. Type E to enable daylight savings time and allow the switch to adjust
system time to daylight savings time. This is the default value. Type D
to disable daylight savings time and not allow the switch to adjust
system time to daylight savings time.
The switch does not set DST automatically. If the switch is in a
locale that uses DST, you must remember to enable this in April
when DST begins and disable it in October when DST ends. If the
switch is in a locale that does not use DST, this option should be set
to disabled all the time.
10. Type 6 to select Poll Interval to specify the time interval between
queries to the SNTP server.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter interval to poll SNTP server [60 to 1200] -> 600
Selection 7, Last Delta, reports the last adjustment that had to be
applied to the system time; the drift in the system clock between two
successive queries to the SNTP server. You cannot change this
11. Enter the number of seconds the switch waits between polling the
SNTP or NTP server. The default is 600 seconds. The range is from 60
to 1200 seconds.
12. Type 2 to select SNTP Status to enable or disable the SNTP client.
The following prompt is displayed:
SNTP Status (E-Enabled, D-Disabled) ->
13. Type E to enable SNTP client software on the switch or D to disable
the NTP client software and press Return. The default is disabled.
After SNTP is enabled, the switch immediately polls the SNTP or NTP
server for the current date and time. (The switch also automatically
polls the server whenever a change is made to any of the parameters
in this menu, so long as SNTP is enabled.)