Chapter 9: File System
150 Section II: Advanced Operations
file system, but is instead used and updated directly from the card. If
you remove the card and reset the switch, the management software
uses its default settings.
If the file is on a flash memory card, you must change to the directory
where the file is stored before performing this command. The
command does not accept a directory path. To change directories on a
flash card, see “Changing the Current Flash Card Directory” on
page 166. The default location is the root of the flash card.
This procedure features a NONE option that does the following:
It removes the currently active configuration file without
assigning a new one.
The switch continues to operate with its existing configuration
You may make further parameter changes, but you cannot
save them.
If you reset the switch, it uses the BOOT.CFG file to configure
its settings.
To be able to save configuration changes again, you must
assign a new active boot configuration file.
To select the active boot configuration file for the switch, perform the
following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 5 to select System Administration.
2. From the System Administration menu, type 9 to select System
3. From the System Utilities menu, type 1 to select File Operations.
The File Operations menu is shown in Figure 47 on page 147.
4. From the File Operations menu, type 1 to select Boot Configuration
File. The following prompt is displayed:
Enter the file name (or None):
5. Enter the name of the file of the switch’s new active boot configuration
file. When entering the name, note the following:
Be sure to include the “.cfg” extension.
If the file is stored on a flash card in the switch, precede the name
with “cflash:”.
To remove the currently assigned active boot configuration file
without assigning a new one, enter “none”.