Chapter 9: File System
148 Section II: Advanced Operations
4. From the File Operations menu, type 3 to select Create Configuration
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter the file name:
5. Enter a file name for the new boot configuration file. When entering a
file name, observe the following:
Be sure to include the “.cfg” extension.
The file name can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters. Spaces
are allowed.
To store the file on a flash memory card in the switch, precede the
name with “cflash:”.
If a filename already exists, the system displays a message asking
if you want to overwrite the existing file name.
You cannot name a boot configuration file “default.cfg.” This file
name is reserved by the switch.
After you enter the file name, the switch creates the file. The file
contains the switch’s current configuration.
6. Type 1 to select Boot Configuration File.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter the file name:
7. Enter the same file name you entered in Step 5.
This makes your new boot configuration file the active file on the
switch. Any changes you now make to the switch’s parameter settings
are saved to this file.
The file name is now displayed following selection 1 in the File
Operations menu. The file name should be followed by “Exist”,
meaning that the file exists in the switch’s file system. If “Not Found” is
displayed instead, you probably entered the name incorrectly. If
necessary, repeat steps 6 and 7 and reenter the file name.
Configuring the Switch’s Parameter Settings
After you create the boot configuration file and designate it as the active
boot configuration file on the switch, you can configure the switch’s
parameter settings by making those changes that you want the new boot
configuration file to contain. Then, save your changes to the boot
configuration file by returning to the Main Menu and typing S to select
Save Configuration Changes. Failure to save your changes means that
the boot configuration file will not contain the new parameter settings.