Chapter 8: Port Mirroring
140 Section I: Basic Operations
Disabling a Port Mirror
To delete a port mirror, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 1 to select Port Configuration.
2. From the Port Configuration menu, type 6 to select Port Mirroring.
The Port Mirroring menu is shown in Figure 45 on page 138.
3. From the Port Mirroring Menu, type 1 to select Enable/Disable.
The following prompt is displayed.
Enter Enable(E)/Disable(D):
4. Type D to disable the feature.
Port mirroring on the switch is now disabled. You can disconnect the
network analyzer from the destination port and use the port for normal
network operations.
5. To permanently save your change, return to the Main Menu and type S
to select Save Configuration Changes.