Chapter 25: GARP VLAN Registration Protocol
500 Section VI: Virtual LANs
Converting a Dynamic GVRP VLAN
This procedure converts a dynamic GVRP VLAN into a static VLAN. You
can perform this procedure to permanently retain the VLANs the switch
learned through GVRP.
This procedure cannot convert a dynamic GVRP port in a static
VLAN into a static port. For that you must manually modify the static
VLAN by specifying the dynamic port as either a tagged or untagged
member of the VLAN.
To convert a dynamic GVRP VLAN to a static VLAN, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, type 2 to select VLAN Configuration.
The VLAN Configuration menu is shown in Figure 171 on page 472.
2. From the VLAN Configuration menu, type 4 to select Configure
If selection 4, Configure VLANs, is not displayed in the menu, the
switch is running a multiple VLAN mode. To change a switch’s
VLAN mode, refer to “Selecting a VLAN Mode” on page 516.
The Configure VLAN menu is shown in Figure 172 on page 473.
3. From the Configure VLAN menu, type 2 to select Modify VLAN.
The Modify VLAN menu is shown in Figure 174 on page 481.
4. From the Modify VLAN menu, type 2 to select Change GARP VLAN.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter VLAN ID: [1 to 4096] ->
5. Enter the VID of the dynamic GVRP VLAN you want to convert into a
static VLAN. You can specify only one GVRP VLAN at a time.
The dynamic GVRP VLAN is changed to a static VLAN. To confirm
this, refer to “Displaying VLANs” on page 485.
6. To permanently save your changes, return to the Main Menu and type
S to select Save Configuration Changes.