Chapter 4: SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c
98 Section I: Basic Operations
management workstations. But you can assign only one to it initially
with this procedure. To add additional IP addresses, refer to “Modifying
a Community String” on page 99.
If you assigned the community string an access status of open, leave
this field blank by pressing Return.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Trap Receiver IP Addr:
9. If you want the switch to send traps to a management workstation or
server, enter the IP address of the node here. A community string can
have up to eight IP addresses of trap receivers. But you can assign only
one initially with this procedure. To add additional IP addresses, refer
to “Modifying a Community String” on page 99.
If you do not want to add a IP address of a trap receiver to the
community string, leave this field blank by pressing Return.
The AT-S63 Management Software creates the new community string
and adds it to the list in the SNMP Community menu. A new
community string is immediately available for use to manage the
10. If desired, repeat this procedure starting with Step 4 to create additional
community strings.
11. After making changes, type R until you return to the Main Menu. Then
type S to select Save Configuration Changes.