Chapter 34: PKI Certificates and SSL
616 Section IX: Management Security
Adding a Certificate to the Database
After creating a certificate or receiving a certificate from a public or private
CA, you need to add it to the certificate database. This makes it available
to the switch’s web server. A certificate in the certificate database appears
in the X509 Certificate Management menu.
To add a certificate to the certificate database, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, type 7 to select Security and Services.
2. From the Security and Services menu, type 7 to select Keys/
Certificates Configuration.
The Keys/Certificates Configuration menu is shown in Figure 221 on
page 596.
3. From the Keys/Certificate menu, type 3 to select Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) Configuration.
The Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Configuration menu is shown in
Figure 227 on page 613.
4. From the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Configuration menu, type 2 to
select X509 Certificate Management.
The X509 Certificate Management menu is shown in Figure 228 on
page 613.
5. From the X509 Certificate Management menu, type 2 to select Add
Certificate. The Add Certificate menu is shown in Figure 230.
Figure 230. Add Certificate Menu
6. Type 1 to select Certificate Name.
Allied Telesis AT-9424T/SP - AT-S63
User: Manager 11:20:02 02-Mar-2005
Add Certificate
1 - Certificate Name .............
2 - State ........................ Trusted
3 - Type ......................... EE
4 - File Name ....................
5 - Add Certificate
R - Return to Previous Menu
Enter your selection?