Chapter 10: File Downloads and Uploads
184 Section II: Advanced Operations
Downloading a
System File from
a Local
Review “Guidelines” on page 182 before performing this procedure.
To download a system file onto a switch from a local management session
using Xmodem or TFTP, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 5 to select System Administration.
The System Administration menu is shown in Figure 1 on page 32.
2. From the System Administration menu, type 9 to select System
The System Utilities menu is shown in Figure 6 on page 43.
3. From the System Utilities menu, type 2 to select Downloads and
The Downloads and Uploads menu is shown in Figure 54 on page
4. From the Downloads and Uploads menu, type 3 to select Download a
The following prompt is displayed:
Download Method/Protocol [X-Xmodem, T-TFTP]:
5. To download a system file using Xmodem, go to Step 6. To download
a file using TFTP, do the following:
a. Type T.
The following prompt is displayed:
TFTP Server IP address:
b. Enter the IP address of the TFTP server.
The following prompt is displayed:
Remote File Name:
c. Enter the name of the file on the TFTP server you want to
download to the switch’s file system. You can specify only one
system file.
The following prompt is displayed:
Local File Name: