AT-S63 Management Software Menus User’s Guide
Section IV: SNMPv3 405
Modifying the Security Name
To modify the Security Name parameter in an SNMPv3 Community Table
entry, perform the following procedure:
1. Display the Configure SNMPv3 Table menu by performing steps 1
through 3 in “Configuring the SNMPv3 User Table” on page 321. Or,
from the Main Menu type 5->5->5.
The Configure SNMPv3 Table menu is displayed as shown in Figure
126 on page 322.
2. From the Configure SNMPv3 Table menu, type 9 to select Configure
SNMPv3 Community Table.
The Configure SNMPv3 Community Table menu is shown in Figure
141 on page 400.
3. From the Configure SNMPv3 Community Table, type 3 to select Modify
SNMPv3 Table Entry.
The Modify SNMPv3 Community Table menu is shown in Figure 142
on page 404.
4. To change the Security Name, type 2 to select Set Security Name.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Community Index:
5. Enter the Community Index of the Security Name you want to change.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Security Name:
6. Enter the new Security Name.
Enter a value of up to 32 alphanumeric characters.
7. After making changes, type R until you return to the Main Menu. Then
type S to select Save Configuration Changes.
Modifying the Transport Tag
To modify the Transport Tag parameter in an SNMPv3 Community Table
entry, perform the following procedure:
1. Display the Configure SNMPv3 Table menu by performing steps 1
through 3 in “Configuring the SNMPv3 User Table” on page 321. Or,
from the Main Menu type 5->5->5.