Chapter 10: File Downloads and Uploads
172 Section II: Advanced Operations
The transfer protocol must be Xmodem or 1K Xmodem.
8. Type Y for Yes.
The prompt “Downloading” is displayed.
9. Begin the file transfer.
Steps 10 through 13 illustrate how you download a file using the
Hilgraeve HyperTerminal program.
10. From the HyperTerminal main window, select Send File from the
Transfer menu, as shown in Figure 55.
Figure 55. HyperTerminal Window
The Send File window is shown in Figure 56.
Figure 56. Send File Window
11. Click Browse and specify the location and file to be downloaded onto
the switch.
12. Click in the Protocol field and select as the transfer protocol either
Xmodem or, for a faster download, 1K Xmodem.