Chapter 33: Encryption Keys
602 Section IX: Management Security
Exporting an Encryption Key
The following procedure exports the public key of a key pair into the
AT-S63 file system. (The management software does not allow you to
export a private key.) Before performing this procedure, please note the
The only circumstance in which you are likely to perform this
procedure is if you are using an SSH client that does not download the
key automatically when you start an SSH management session. In that
situation, you can use this procedure to export the SSH client key from
the key database into the AT-S62 file system, from where you can
upload it onto the SSH management session for incorporation in your
SSH client software.
You should not use this procedure to export a public key being used
for SSL. Typically, an SSL public key only has value when
incorporated into a certificate or enrollment request.
To export a public key into the file system, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, type 7 to select Security and Services.
The Security and Services menu is shown in Figure 71 on page 220.
2. From the Security and Services menu, type 7 to select Keys/Certificate
The Keys/Certificate Configuration menu is shown in Figure 221 on
page 596.
3. From the Keys/Certificates Configuration menu, type 2 to select Key
The Key Management menu is shown in Figure 222 on page 597.
4. From the Key Management menu, type, type 4 to select Export Key to