Chapter 22: Spanning Tree and Rapid Spanning Tree Protocols
422 Section V: Spanning Tree Protocols
Configuring STP
This section contains the following procedures:
”Configuring STP Bridge Settings”, next
“Configuring STP Port Settings” on page 425
“Displaying STP Port Settings” on page 428
“Resetting STP to the Default Settings” on page 429

Configuring STP

Bridge Settings

This section contains the procedure for configuring a bridge’s STP
The default STP parameters are adequate for most networks.
Changing them without prior experience and an understanding of
how STP works might have a negative effect on your network. You
should consult the IEEE 802.1d standard before changing any of the
STP parameters.
To configure the bridge settings, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 3 to select Spanning Tree Configuration.
The Spanning Tree Configuration menu is shown in Figure 152 on
page 420.