Chapter 1: Basic Switch Parameters
48 Section I: Basic Operations
Setting the Baud Rate of the Serial Terminal Port
The default baud rate of the RJ-45 type serial terminal port on the switch is
9600 bps.
To change the baud rate, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 5 to select System Administration.
The System Administration menu is shown in Figure 1 on page 32.
2. From the System Administration menu, type 3 to select Console
(Serial/Telnet) Configuration.
The Console (Serial/Telnet) Configuration menu is shown in Figure 7
on page 45.
3. From the Console (Serial/Telnet) Configuration menu, type 3 to select
Console Baud Rate.
The following prompt is displayed:
Supported baud rates are:
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200
Enter new baud rate value --> [1200 to 115200]
4. Type the desired baud rate value and press Return. The default setting
is 9600 bps.
The following message is displayed:
Baud rate changed to [baud rate you typed] bps.
Please change your terminal baud rate correspondingly.
Press <Enter> to continue.
If you are running a local management session, be sure to change
your terminal’s baud rate.
5. Press Return.