Chapter 21: SNMPv3
404 Section IV: SNMPv3
The Modify SNMPv3 Community Table menu is shown in Figure 142.
Figure 142. Modify SNMPv3 Community Table Menu
4. To change the Community Name, type 1 to select Set Community
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Community Index:
5. Enter the Community Index that you want to modify.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Community Name:
6. Enter the new Community Name.
The value of the Community Name parameter acts as a password for
the SNMPv3 Community Table entry. This parameter is case sensitive.
Enter a value of up to 64 alphanumeric characters.
Allied Telesis recommends that you select SNMP Community
Names carefully to ensure these names are known only to
authorized personnel.
7. After making changes, type R until you return to the Main Menu. Then
type S to select Save Configuration Changes.
Allied Telesis AT-9424T/SP - AT-S63
User: Manager 11:20:02 02-Mar-2005
Modify SNMPv3 Community Table
Community Index ............... alliedtelesisindex
Community Name ................ 789bothel23wa
Security Name ................. buster
Transport Tag ................. 72
Storage Type .................. Volatile
Row Status .................... Active
1 - Set Community Name
2 - Set Security Name
3 - Set Transport Tag
4 - Set Storage Type
N - Next Page
U - Update Display
R - Return to Previous Menu
Enter your selection?