Chapter 33: Encryption Keys
606 Section IX: Management Security
The Import Key from File menu is shown in Figure 225.
Figure 225. Import Key from File Menu
5. From the Import Key from File menu, type 1 to select Key ID.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Key ID -> [0 to 65535] ->
6. Enter a key ID for the public key.
This must be an unused key ID. It cannot match any of the key IDs that
are already in use on the switch.
You cannot change Option 2, Key Type.
7. Type 3 to select Key File Format to choose the format of the key. The
possible options are:
HEX - An internal format for storing files. Select this option for SSL
configuration. This is the default.
SSH - A format for a Secure Shell (SSH) environment. Select this
option for a SSH server or client.
8. Type 4 to select Key File Name.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter filename (*.key) ->
9. Specify the file name of the key.
Allied Telesis AT-9424T/SP - AT-S63
User: Manager 11:20:02 02-Mar-2005
Import Key from File
1 - Key ID ............ 0
2 - Key Type .......... RSA-Public
3 - Key File Format ... HEX
4 - Key File Name .....
5 - Import Key from File
R - Return to Previous Menu
Enter your selection?