Section IX: Management Security 611

Chapter 34

PKI Certificates and SSL
This chapter contains the procedures for creating public key infrastructure
(PKI) certificates for web server security. Because of the complexity of this
feature, two overview sections are provided. The Basic Overview section
offers a general review of the purpose of certificates along with relevant
guidelines. For additional information refer to the Technical Overview
section. This chapter contains the following sections:
“Creating a Self-signed Certificate” on page 612
“Adding a Certificate to the Database” on page616
“Modifying a Certificate” on page 619
“Deleting a Certificate” on page 622
“Viewing a Certificate” on page 624
“Generating an Enrollment Request” on page 627
“Installing CA Certificates onto a Switch” on page630
“Viewing and Configuring the Maximum Number of Certificates” on
page 631
“Configuring SSL” on page 632