Chapter 24: Port-based and Tagged VLANs
494 Section VI: Virtual LANs
In most cases, you will probably want to leave ingress filtering activated on
the switch, which is the default. You can enable or disable ingress filtering
on a per switch basis. You cannot set this per port.
To enable or disable ingress filtering, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 2 to select VLAN Configuration.
The VLAN Configuration menu is shown in Figure 171 on page 472.
2. From the VLAN Configuration menu, type 1 to select Ingress Filtering
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Ingress Filtering Status (E-Enable, D-Disable) ->
3. Type E to activate ingress filtering or D to disable the feature on the
A change to the status of ingress filtering is immediately activated on
the switch.
4. To permanently save your changes, return to the Main Menu and type
S to select Save Configuration Changes.