Chapter 34: PKI Certificates and SSL
632 Section IX: Management Security
Configuring SSL
To configure the SSL protocol, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 7 to select Security and Services.
2. From the Security and Services menu, type 9 to select Secure Socket
Layer (SSL).
The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) menu is shown in Figure 235.
Figure 235. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Menu
3. Type 1 to select Maximum Number of Sessions to increase the
number of sessions.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter maximum SSL sessions value -> [1 to 100] 50
Enter a value from 1 to 100. The maximum number of sessions is used
to speed up a connection. By increasing the number of sessions, you
increase HTTPS performance. However, increasing the number of
sessions also increases the memory requirements. The default is 50.
4. Type 2 to select Session Cache Timeout to increase or decrease the
timer that determines when the session cache times out.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Cache timeout value -> [1 to 600] 300
Enter a value, in seconds, from 1 to 600. The default is 300 seconds.
5. To permanently save your change, return to the Main Menu and type S
to select Save Configuration Changes.
Allied Telesis AT-9424T/SP - AT-S63
User: Manager 11:20:02 02-Mar-2005
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
1 - Maximum Number of Sessions......... 50
2 - Session Cache Timeout.............. 300 seconds
R - Return to Previous Menu
Enter your selection?