AT-S63 Management Software Menus User’s Guide
Section IX: Management Security 631
Viewing and Configuring the Maximum Number of Certificates
You can specify the maximum number of certificates the certificate
database can store. The range is a maximum of 12 to 256. The default
value is 256. You should never need to adjust this value.
To view or change the maximum number of certificates the certificate
database can store, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 7 to select Security and Services.
2. From the Security Configuration menu, type 7 to select Keys/
Certificates Configuration.
The Keys/Certificates Configuration menu is shown in Figure 221 on
page 596. Selection 1, Maximum Number of Certificates, shows the
current setting.
3. To change the maximum number of certificates, type 1 to select
Maximum Number of Certificates.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter certificate limit -> [12 to 256] 256
4. Enter a new number and press Return.
5. To permanently save your change, return to the Main Menu and type S
to select Save Configuration Changes.