Chapter 22: Spanning Tree and Rapid Spanning Tree Protocols
428 Section V: Spanning Tree Protocols
8. After making changes, type R until you return to the Main Menu. Then
type S to select Save Configuration Changes.
Displaying STP
Port Settings
To display STP port settings, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 3 to select Spanning Tree Configuration.
The Spanning Tree Configuration menu is shown in Figure 152 on
page 420.
2. From the Spanning Tree Configuration menu, type 3 to select
Configure Active Protocol.
The STP menu is shown in Figure 153 on page 423.
3. From the STP menu, type P to select STP Port Parameters.
The STP Port Parameters menu is shown in Figure 154 on page 426.
4. From the STP Port Parameters menu, type 2 to select Display STP
Port Configuration. The Display STP Port Configuration menu is
shown in Figure 156.
Figure 156. Display STP Port Configuration Menu
1000 Mbps 2
Table 8. STP Auto-Detect Port Trunk Costs
Port Speed Port Cost
Allied Telesis AT-9424T/SP - AT-S63
User: Manager 11:20:02 02-Mar-2005
Display STP Port Configuration
Port State Cost Priority
1 Forwarding 4 128
2 Forwarding 4 128
3 Forwarding 4 128
4 Forwarding 4 128
5 Forwarding 4 128
6 Forwarding 4 128
7 Forwarding 4 128
8 Forwarding 4 128
N - Next Page
U - Update Display
R - Return to Previous Menu
Enter your selection?