Chapter 26: Multiple VLAN Modes
518 Section VI: Virtual LANs
Displaying VLAN Information
To view the VLANs on the switch while the unit is operating in a multiple
VLAN mode, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 2 to select VLAN Configuration.
The VLAN Configuration menu (multiple VLAN mode) is shown in
Figure 191.
Figure 191. VLAN Configuration Menu (Multiple VLAN Mode)
2. From the VLAN Configuration menu, type 5 to select Show Multiple
Allied Telesis AT-9424T/SP - AT-S63
User: Manager 11:20:02 02-Mar-2005
VLAN Configuration
1 - Ingress Filtering Status ........ Enabled
2 - VLANs Mode ...................... Multiple VLANs
3 - Management VLAN ................. 1 (Default_VLAN)
4 - Configure VLANs
5 - Show Multiple VLANs
6 - Show PVIDs
R - Return to Previous Menu
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