Chapter 2: Port Parameters
66 Section I: Basic Operations
4. Adjust the following parameters as necessary.
A change to a parameter is immediately activated on the port.
0 - Description
You use this option to assign a description to a port, from 1 to 15
alphanumeric characters. Spaces are allowed, but you should not use
special characters, such as asterisks or exclamation points. (You
cannot set a port description if you are configuring more than one
1 - Status
You use this option to enable or disable a port. When disabled, a port
does not forward frames to or from the node connected to the port.
You might want to disable a port and prevent packets from being
forwarded if a problem occurs with the node or cable connected to the
port. After the problem has been fixed, you can enable the port again
to resume normal operation.
You might also want to disable a port that is not being used to secure it
from unauthorized connections.
Possible settings for this parameter are:
Enabled - The port receives and forwards packets. This is the default
Disabled - The port does not receive or forward packets.
Option 2, HOL Blocking Prevention, is described in “Configuring
Head of Line Blocking” on page 69. Option 3, Flow Control, is
described in “Configuring Flow Control and Back Pressure” on
page 71. Option 4, Filtering, is described in “Configuring Port
Filtering” on page 73. Option 5, Rate Limiting, is described in
“Setting Up Rate Limiting” on page 75.
6 - Negotiation
You use this option to configure a port for Auto-Negotiation or to
manually set a port’s speed and duplex mode. The default is Auto for
When you set negotiation to Manual, items 7 (Speed), 8 (Duplex),
and 9 (MDI Crossover) are displayed.