AT-S63 Management Software Menus User’s Guide
Section VI: Virtual LANs 537
5. To add a MAC address to a MAC address-based VLAN, type 1 to
select Add MAC Address. To delete an address, type 2 to select
Delete MAC Address.
The following prompt is displayed:
Please enter VLAN ID -> [1 to 4094] -> 2
6. Enter the VID of the MAC address-based VLAN where you want to add
or delete a MAC address. You can enter only one VID. To display the
VIDs, refer to “Displaying MAC Address-based VLANs” on page 542.
The following prompt is displayed:
Please enter MAC address ->
7. Enter the MAC address to add to or delete from the VLAN. You can
enter the address in either of the following formats:
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx or xxxxxxxxxxxx
The MAC address is added to or deleted from the VLAN.
8. To add or delete more MAC addresses, repeat this procedure starting
with step 5.
9. To permanently save your changes, return to the Main Menu and type
S to select Save Configuration Changes.
If you added a new MAC address to a new or existing VLAN, perform
the procedure “Adding and Deleting Egress Ports” on page538 to
assign egress ports to the address.