Chapter 7: LACP Port Trunks
134 Section I: Basic Operations
Deleting an Aggregator
This procedure deletes an aggregator from the switch. The ports that are
members of the aggregator stop transmitting LACPDU packets after the
aggregator is deleted.
Disconnect the cables from the ports of the aggregator before
performing the following procedure. Deleting an aggregator without
first disconnecting the cables can create loops in your network
topology. Data loops can result in broadcast storms and poor
network performance.
To delete an aggregator, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 1 to select Port Configuration.
2. From the Port Configuration menu, type 4 to select Port Trunking and
The Port Trunking and LACP menu is shown in Figure 35 on page 116.
3. Type 2 to select LACP Configuration.
The LACP (IEEE 8023ad) Configuration menu is shown in Figure 39
on page 126.
4. Type 5 to select Delete Aggregator.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Aggregator Name [Max up to 20 alphanumeric
5. Enter the name of the aggregator you want to delete. The name is
case-sensitive. You can delete only one aggregator at a time.
The following prompt is displayed:
Are you sure you want to delete this aggregator (Y/N) [Yes/No]
6. Type Y to delete the aggregator or N to cancel the procedure.
If you entered Yes, the aggregator is deleted.
7. To permanently save your change, return to the Main Menu and type S
to select Save Configuration Changes.