AT-S63 Management Software Menus User’s Guide
Section V: Spanning Tree Protocols 449
Creating, Deleting, and Modifying MSTI IDs
The following sections contain procedures for working with MSTI IDs:
”Creating an MSTI ID” next
“Deleting an MSTI ID” on page 450
“Modifying an MSTI ID” on page 450
Creating an
To create an MSTI ID, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 3 to select Spanning Tree Configuration.
The Spanning Tree Configuration menu is shown in Figure 152 on
page 420.
2. From the Spanning Tree Configuration menu, type 3 to select
Configure Active Protocol.
The MSTP menu is shown in Figure 162 on page 441.
3. From the MSTP menu, type M to select MSTI menu.
The MSTI menu is shown in Figure 164 on page 447.
4. Type 1 to select Create MSTI.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter the MSTI ID to be created: [1 to 15] ->
5. Enter the new MSTP ID. The MSTI ID range is from 1 to 15. You can
specify only one MSTI ID at a time.
The following prompt is displayed:
Success...Do you want to associate VLANs with this MSTI
ID: [Yes/No] ->
6. If you want to associate VLANs to the MSTI now, type Y for yes. If you
want to do it later, type N for no. (To add or remove VLANs from an
existing MSTI, go to “Adding, Removing, and Modifying VLAN
Associations to MSTI IDs” on page 452.)
If you respond with yes, this prompt appears:
Enter the list of VLANs:
7. Enter the VIDs of the VLANs that you want to associate with the MSTI
ID. You can specify more than one VLAN at a time (for example,
4,6,11) To view VIDs, refer to “Displaying VLANs” on page 485.