Chapter 7: LACP Port Trunks
128 Section I: Basic Operations
Setting the LACP System Priority
This procedure explains how to set the LACP system priority value on a
switch. The switch uses this parameter if a conflict occurs when
establishing an aggregate trunk with the other device. The LACP settings
on the device with the higher priority take precedence over the settings on
the other device. The lower the value, the higher the priority. A switch can
have only one LACP system priority.
To set the LACP system priority for the switch, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, type 1 to select Port Configuration.
2. From the Port Configuration menu, type 4 to select Port Trunking and
The Port Trunking and LACP menu is shown in Figure 35 on page 116.
3. Type 2 to select LACP Configuration.
The LACP (IEEE 8023ad) Configuration menu is shown in Figure 39
on page 126.
4. Type 2 to select Priority.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter Priority [0x1 - 0xFFFF]: [0x1 to 0xffff] -> 0x
5. Enter the new value is hexadecimal. The range is 1 to FFFF. The
lower the value, the higher the priority. The prefix “0x” indicates that
the number is hexadecimal.
The new priority value takes effect immediately on the switch.
6. To permanently save your change, return to the Main Menu and type S
to select Save Configuration Changes.