AT-S63 Management Software Menus User’s Guide
Section II: Advanced Operations 171
The following prompt is displayed:
TFTP Server IP address:
b. Enter the IP address of the TFTP server.
The following prompt is displayed:
Remote File Name:
c. Enter the file name of the AT-S63 image file stored on the TFTP
The following message is displayed:
Getting the file from Remote TFTP Server - Please wait
d. If you have not already done so, start the TFTP server software.
After the switch has downloaded the image file, the following
message is displayed:
File received successfully!
After receiving the file, the switch compares the version number of
the new image file that you just downloaded against the file already
in the application block on the switch. If the new image file has an
earlier or the same version number as the file in the switch’s
application block, it cancels the update process. If the new image
file has a newer version number, the switch writes the file to the
application block portion of flash memory and then resets.
The switch does not forward any network traffic while writing the
image to flash and during the reset process. This can take several
minutes to complete. Some network traffic may be lost.
This completes the procedure for downloading a new AT-S63
image file to a switch from a local management session using TFTP.
7. To download a file using Xmodem, type X at the prompt in Step 5.
The following prompt is displayed:
You are going to invoke the Xmodem download utility.
Do you wish to continue? [Yes/No]
Note: Please select 1K Xmodem protocol for faster