AT-S63 Management Software Menus User’s Guide
Section IV: SNMPv3 409
The Display SNMPv3 Table menu is shown in Figure 143.Figure 143. Display SNMPv3 Table Menu4. From the Display SNMPv3 Table menu, type 1 to select Display SNMPv3 User Table.The Display SNMPv3 User Table is shown in Figure 144.Figure 144. Display SNMPv3 User Table Menu
Allied Telesis AT-9424T/SP - AT-S63
User: Manager 11:20:02 02-Mar-2005
Display SNMPv3 Table
1 - Display SNMPv3 User Table
2 - Display SNMPv3 View Table
3 - Display SNMPv3 Access Table
4 - Display SNMPv3 SecurityToGroup Table
5 - Display SNMPv3 Notify Table
6 - Display SNMPv3 Target Address Table
7 - Display SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table
8 - Display SNMPv3 Community Table
R - Return to Previous Menu
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Allied Telesis AT-9424T/SP - AT-S63
User: Manager 11:20:02 02-Mar-2005
Display SNMPv3 User Table
Engine Id ................. 80:00:00:CF:03:00:30:84:FD:57:DA
User Name ................. spike
Authentication Protocol ... MD5
Privacy Protocol .......... DES
Storage Type .............. NonVolatile
Row Status ................ Active
N - Next Page
U - Update Display
R - Return to Previous Menu
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