Chapter 34: PKI Certificates and SSL
618 Section IX: Management Security
10. Type 4 to select File Name.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter file name (*.key) ->
11. Specify the filename of the certificate.
This is the filename of the certificate in the AT-S63 file system. The
filename has a “.cer” extension. For example, if you created a self-
signed certificate and gave it the name “webserver127”, the filename
of the certificate would be “webserver127.cer”. If you have forgotten
the filename of the certificate, refer to “Displaying System Files” on
page 159.
12. Type 5 to select Add Certificate to add the certificate to the certificate
The AT-S63 Management Software adds the certificate to the
database, a process that requires only a few seconds.
13. To permanently save your change, return to the Main Menu and type S
to select Save Configuration Changes.