Chapter 3: Enhanced Stacking
88 Section I: Basic Operations
Selecting a Switch in an Enhanced Stack
In order to manage a switch other than the master switch in an enhanced
stack, you must instruct the master switch to poll the common VLAN for
the other switches and then select the switch. You can manage only one
switch at a time
To select a switch in an enhanced stack, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 8 to select Enhanced Stacking.
The Enhanced Stacking menu is shown in Figure 22 on page 86.
2. From the Enhanced Stacking menu, type 2 to select Stacking
Item 2, Stacking Services, is only displayed on master switches.
The Stacking Services menu is shown in Figure 23.
Figure 23. Stacking Services Menu
3. From the Stacking Services menu, type 1 to select Get/Refresh List of
Allied Telesis AT-9424Ts - AT-S63
User: Manager 11:20:02 02-Mar-2005
Stacking Services
Switch Software Switch
Num MAC Address Name Mode Version Model
1 - Get/Refresh List of Switches
2 - Sort Switches in New Order
3 - Access Switch
4 - Load Image/Bootloader File
5 - Load Configuration File
R - Return to Previous Menu
Enter your selection?