Chapter 22: Spanning Tree and Rapid Spanning Tree Protocols
420 Section V: Spanning Tree Protocols
Enabling or Disabling a Spanning Tree Protocol
The AT-S63 Management Software supports STP, RSTP, and MSTP.
However, only one spanning tree protocol can be active on the switch at a
time. Before you can enable a spanning tree protocol, you must first select
it as the active spanning tree protocol on the switch. After you have
selected it as the active protocol, you can then configure it and enable or
disable it.
To select and activate a spanning tree protocol, or to disable spanning
tree, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, type 3 to select Spanning Tree Configuration.
The Spanning Tree Configuration menu is shown in Figure 152.
Figure 152. Spanning Tree Configuration Menu
Do not enable spanning tree on the switch until after you have
selected an activate spanning tree protocol and configured the
settings. If you want to disable spanning tree, go to step 5.
2. To change the active version of spanning tree on the switch, type 2 to
select Active Protocol Version.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter new value (S-STP, R-RSTP, M-MSTP):
3. Type S to select STP or R to select RSTP, or M to select MSTP.
Allied Telesis AT-9424T/SP - AT-S63
User: Manager 11:20:02 02-Mar-2005
Spanning Tree Configuration
1 - Spanning Tree Status ...... Disabled
2 - Active Protocol Version ... RSTP
3 - Configure Active Protocol
R - Return to Previous Menu
Enter your selection?