Chapter 10: File Downloads and Uploads
192 Section II: Advanced Operations
5. From the Downloads and Uploads menu, type 4 to select Upload a
The following prompt is displayed:
Upload Method/Protocol [X-Xmodem, T-TFTP]:
6. To upload a system file using Xmodem, go to Step 7. To upload a file
using TFTP, do the following:
a. Type T.
The following prompt is displayed:
TFTP Server IP address:
b. Enter the IP address of the TFTP server.
The following prompt is displayed:
Remote File Name:
c. Enter a name for the file for when it is stored on the TFTP server.
The following message is displayed:
Local File Name:
d. Enter the name of the system file in the switch’s file system that
you want to upload to the TFTP server. You can specify only one
file. You cannot use wildcards in the file name. If the file is stored
on a flash memory card, precede the name with “cflash:”.
The following message is displayed:
Sending the file to Remote TFTP Server - Please wait
After the switch has uploaded the system file, the following
message is displayed:
File sent successfully!
The file is now stored on the TFTP server. This completes the
procedure for uploading a file using TFTP from a local management
7. To upload a file using Xmodem, type X at the prompt displayed in Step
The following message is displayed:
Local File Name: