AT-S63 Management Software Menus User’s Guide
Section IV: SNMPv3 385
Configuring the SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table
This section contains a description of the SNMPv3 Target Parameters
Table and how to create, delete, and modify table entries. The SNMPv3
Target Parameters Table links the user security information with the
message notification information configured in the Configure SNMPv3
Notify Table menu and Configure SNMPv3 Target Address Table menu.
In the SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table, you specify the SNMP
parameters that are used when a message is generated to a target, or
host, IP address. The SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table also links a User
Name and its related security information, called user security information,
with a host. The user security information consists of the following
parameters listed in the SNMPv3 tables where they are configured:
User Name parameter configured in the SNMPv3 User Table menu
View Name parameter configured in the SNMPv3 View Table menu
Group Name, Security Model, and Security Level parameters
configured in the SNMPv3 Access Table
User Name, Security Model, and Group Name configured in the
SNMPv3 SecurityToGroup Table
When you enter user security information in an SNMPv3 Target
Parameters Table entry, the information must match the configuration in
the SNMPv3 tables listed above. If the user security information in the
SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table entry does not match the configuration
in the tables listed above, messages are not sent on behalf of the user.
In the SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table, the Security Name
parameter is the equivalent to the User Name parameter in the
SNMPv3 User Table.
For each Target Address Table entry, you can configure:
Target Parameters Name
Security Name (User Name)
Security Model
Security Level
Storage Type
There are three functions you can perform with the Configure SNMPv3
Target Parameters Table menu.
“Creating an SNMPv3 Target Parameters Table Entry,” next